// Knowledge base
7 Steps to Add Chat to a SwiftUI App Using Firebase
A step-by-step tutorial on adding a Firebase-backed SwiftUI chat
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iOS Department • 6 min
SwiftUI Tutorial: Keyframe Animations for iOS 17
Rewriting old animations using a new Keyframes API
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iOS Department • 5m
Jetpack Compose Multiplatform Android & iOS
Our impressions about Jetpack Compose Multiplatform
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Android Department • 7 min
Jetpack Compose Tutorial: Replicating the Water Level Widget
Replicating the depth gauge widget from Apple in Jetpack Compose
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Android Department • 6 min
Jetpack Compose Tutorial: Animated Navigation Bar
How to implement a navigation bar with smooth custom animations
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Android Department • 10 min
Jetpack Compose Tutorial: How to use FlowLayout
A short tutorial on how to use FlowLayout in Jetpack Compose
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Android Department • 4 min
Jetpack Compose Tutorial: Improving Performance in Dribbble Audio App
Improving Jetpack Compose performance with Compose Compiler Metrics
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Android Department • 6 min
Jetpack Compose Tutorial: Replicating Dribbble Audio App - Screen Transitions
Implementing a fully custom UI with complex animations: screen transitions
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Android Department • 6 min
Jetpack Compose Tutorial: Replicating Dribbble Audio App Part 3
Implementing a fully custom UI with complex animations: Collapsing Header
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Android Department • 4 min
Jetpack Compose Tutorial: Replicating Dribbble Audio App Part 2
Implementing a fully custom UI with complex animations: Action Panel
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Android Department • 5 min
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