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Cocoa Delights #1
Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.

Hey guys! Dmitry's here.

Usually, during morning coffee we discuss a lot of news and articles with our mobile team. Yesterday we thought why not to share what we've found with our community on Medium and Twitter.

So starting today, you get interesting articles, videos, and new libraries every week.

Libraries & Repositories

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

About SwiftUI

Community-driven collection of SwiftUI tutorials, books, and videos.

Combine Data Sources

Table and collection view data sources for Combine.

Retro Rampage

A quite interesting approach on recreating classic first-person shooter games in Swift. Tutorial series, guns, and monsters are included too.


HackMan is a simple tool for generating boilerplate code directly via the command line.

Open-source Reddit client

Cross-platform (iOS, macOS, and watchOS) attempt to create Reddit client with SwiftUI. The project is still in active development.


Photo by Anders Nord on Unsplash

NSHipster: mac​OS Accessibility Keyboard

Read here

SwiftRocks — NSReverseEngineering: Advanced LLDB tricks for Swift - Injecting and changing code on the fly

Read here

Don’t forget to follow our Medium blog and Twitter if you enjoyed this issue. See you next week 🙋‍♂️

// Keep reading
• 29 May 2019
How to develop an iOS app — A step by step guide for beginners
A plain-language description of the essential steps necessary for creating an application for iOS-based devices.
• 18 June 2019
Top 36 mobile app development Software in 2020
We've made up a list of mobile development tools so you can compare features, prices, and ratings about each tool to choose what fits you.
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