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Cocoa Delights #20
Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.
iOS Development Newsletter #20

📰 News

Swift 5.2 Nightly Development Snapshots

The Swift language team announced the release of Swift 5.2 development snapshots.

Updating Apps that Use Web Views

The App Store will no longer accept new apps using UIWebView as of April 2020 and app updates using UIWebView as of December 2020.

📖 Articles

SwiftLee: Weak self and unowned self explained in Swift

There are lots of discussions among developers about the usage of weak or unowned self. Antoine from SwiftLee blog explains it since this topic can be hard to understand.

The Startup: Top 10 Most Useful Xcode Shortcuts for Navigation

You can find different posts with Xcode cheat sheets and shortcuts, but this one opens more interesting key commands, and definitely should get your attention.

Majid Jabrayilov: SwiftUI learning curve in 2019

It's not a secret that SwiftUI potentially will become a framework of choice to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms in the next few years. Here is an excellent post from Majid Jabrayilov about where to start with learning SwiftUI.

🛠 Libraries


A simple way to create a UITableView for settings in Swift.


Password Validator & Strength Evaluator written in Swift.


Easily customizable floating button menu created with SwiftUI.


Swift 5.1 on STM32F4-based boards.

Don’t forget to follow our Twitter if you enjoyed this issue. See you next week 🙋‍♂️

// Keep reading
• 23 Dec 2019
Cocoa Delights #19
Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.
iOS Department • 23 Dec 2019
SwiftUI tutorial: replicating the Activity application
This article is the third one in the Replicating series where we recreate UI elements of high-quality apps. Here we take a look at Apple’s Activity app.
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