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Cocoa Delights #16
Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.
iOS Development Newsletter #16

📖 Articles

Majid Jabrayilov: Combine and SwiftUI views

New article from Majid Jabrayilov about how you can use Combine framework to receive system-wide notifications in the view layer of SwiftUI.

Discord: How Discord achieves native iOS performance with React Native

This post has been around for a while, but I thought it was worth sharing it with you. Sometimes it's quite interesting to see what's happening on the other side of mobile apps development.

Swift by Sundell: Lightweight API design in Swift

As you know, Swift is a pretty young and modern language. But despite these facts, it gives a lot of possibilities to define functions and types, which can allow you to create a lightweight and understandable API's.

🔈 Podcasts

Swift by Sundell: End-to-end Swift

Tim Condon, server-side Swift developer, writer and conference organizer, joins John to talk about all things networking. From organizing and abstracting networking code on the client-side, to using Swift on the server, and how to combine the two in order to write Swift end-to-end.

🛠 Libraries


BottomPopup provides a popup-like presentation style to any view controller.


UICollectionViewCell with checkbox which replicates selection mode.


UIColor extension with Apple System Colors from HIG.


Future represents a result of a task which may be available now, or in the future, or never.

Don’t forget to follow our Medium blog and Twitter if you enjoyed this issue. See you next week 🙋‍♂️

// Keep reading
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Cocoa Delights #15
Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.
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Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.
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Top 5 blockchain mobile apps
We made a list of blockchain based mobile apps such as browsers, social media, and a voting platform.
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