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Cocoa Delights #14
Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.
iOS Development Newsletter #14

📰 News

Xcode 11.2.1 Released

Storyboards containing a UITextView will no longer cause the app to crash on operating system versions earlier than iOS 13.2, tvOS 13.2, or macOS 10.15.2.

📖 Articles

Photo by Clément Falize on Unsplash

NSHipster: Secret Management on iOS

Check out this post from NSHipster about how to store secrets securely and what's more important you will discover if it's possible to achieve on the client.

Sarun Wongpatcharapakorn: // MARK: - What is it?

A lot of developers already use code annotations in their projects. In this particular article you can find information about every available use case and annotation formatting.

Yet Another Swift Blog: Debugging with Swift Combine Framework

This article teaches different ways of debugging reactive code written with Combine Framework.

🛠 Libraries

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

SwiftUI Architectures

Three different architectures (Model-View, Redux, MVVM) for using SwiftUI implemented at the example of a chat app.


Interact is a library for easily adding dynamic interactions with any SwiftUI View.

Don’t forget to follow our Medium blog and Twitter if you enjoyed this issue. See you next week 🙋‍♂️

// Keep reading
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Cocoa Delights #13
Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.
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Cocoa Delights #12
Weekly development newsletter for iOS specialists, macOS developers, and Swift enthusiasts from our mobile team.
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